Persons scrapping cars older than 12 years get voucher of 4,500 RON to buy solar panel

Individuals or firms who give for scrapping cars older than 12 years will get a voucher of 4,500 RON to buy solar panel, heating stations and ecological alternatives, according to a draft bill submitted at the Senate by several PNL Parliamentarians.
The justification of the amount is the fiscal proof (the bill together with the discount ticket), within 30 days since the receival of the ticket, according to the draft bill.
The initiators want this campaign to overlap the National program Rabla for 2018.
„The beneficiary cannot alienate the requested voucher for another usage. Any situation of a kind annuls the first scrap,” according to PNL draft.
Besides the acquired ticket, are needed documents that prove the impact over the environment and guarantee certificate in compliance with the European norms.
For the list of suppliers for the campaign development can register are producers/ merchandisers, living for at least 3 years on Romania’s territory. According to the draft bill, the legal and natural persons to whom is applied this draft bill are those who never applied any other measure through the Agency of Environment Fund.
The financing sources will come from the Agency for Environment Fund, from the budget shares allocated for the development of the program Rabla- 2018 edition.
Source: Business Review