Bosch deploys new wrong-way driver alert system in 13 European countries
Wrong-way drivers are a terrifying prospect. The danger of encountering a wrong-way driver on freeways is not as uncommon as many might think. In Germany alone, traffic news channels broadcast roughly five wrong-way driver alerts each day, or nearly 2,000 each year, Bosch says.
A cloud service by Bosch not only alerts the driver who is heading in the wrong direction; it also warns other motorists in the danger zone, sending out push notifications in 13 European countries.
Initially integrated into the radio apps of the German broadcasters Antenne Bayern and Rock Antenne in early 2018, the wrong-way driver alert already has 400,000 unique users and is primed for more.
Some 15 navigation, streaming, and radio apps now feature the app function developed by Bosch. And with that, the service is able to reach several million people in Europe – from Ireland to Italy and Portugal to Poland.
“No more road fatalities because of wrong-way drivers – that is Bosch’s goal,” says Markus Heyn, member of the board of management of Robert Bosch GmbH.