Ford Trucks leads the Romanian market for municipal and construction vehicles for the second year in a row

Cefin Trucks, exclusive importer and distributor of Ford Trucks brand in Romania, announces its leadership second year in a row, in the segment of municipal vehicles, as well as in the market of construction vehicles, based on the registrations reported by DRPCIV in 2019. The objective for 2020 is reaching a market share of over 10%, up from 8.1% in 2019, through an organic growth that should place Cefin Trucks brand in the top three players in the field, in terms of volumes of new trucks sold in Romania by 2021.
“For the second year in a row, we maintained our position as market leader in the segment of Construction Vehicles, with a market share of 28.3%, as well as in the area of Municipal vehicles with a market share of 68.9%. We have reached a turnover, at the end of 2019, of 50 million Euro for the sale of new and run vehicles and 10 million Euro in service, with an increase from 35 million Euro, respectively 8.5 million Euro in 2018,” stated Stefano Albarosa, founder and CEO Cefin Trucks.
“Ford Trucks sales in 2019 have doubled from 2018 (555 vs 357) and we expect that by the end of 2020 we will have an increase of over 20%, despite a declining market. In 2020 we will focus on the model for international transport activities – Ford F-MAX, a segment where the potential to increase our market share is higher, and we rely on reaching 5% of it. We are constantly investing in our organization, both in people and integrated systems, in the sales area, as well as in the development of the service network, by opening two new centers in 2020”, said Stefano Albarosa.