Continental: Number of software and IT experts expected to rise by 10 percent by the end of 2022

The mobility of the future is mainly about electronics, software and sensor systems. Continental’s automotive business already achieves 70 percent of its sales with these products. Soon it will be 80 percent. With new functions, the amount of software in the vehicle will rise tenfold in the next 10 years. “Continental will benefit from this software boom,” said Elmar Degenhart, Continental’s chairman of the Executive Board.
Continental has more than 51,000 engineers working on the new trends and technologies, of whom more than 20,000 are software and IT experts. By the end of 2022, Continental plans to increase their number to 22,000. More than 900 staff currently work in artificial intelligence (AI) alone. By 2022, the plan is for 1,900 Continental staff to be versed in AI. To drive forward software projects around the clock, Continental relies on globally distributed software expertise centers in Asia, Europe and the U.S.A. The global Continental team comprised more than 241,000 employees (2018: more than 243,000) in 59 countries and markets at the end of the year.