Christophe Dridi, CEO Automobile Dacia: “We need more than ever to promote green cars, to fight against these used cars invading Romania”

Christophe Dridi, CEO Automobile Dacia @ Automotive Forum 2020 : We need more than ever to promote green cars, to fight against these used cars invading Romania
“We had to adapt in this difficult situation. Agility became the new normality. We had to adapt our ways of working. COVID-19 has boosted new methods of working such as teleworking. We have to trust our teams. You are a good manager if you trust your teams. If you don’t trust your teams, you have to go back to the 19th century. We need to have a quick recovery, we need flexibility which is very important for the automotive industry. We need more than ever to promote green cars, to fight against these used cars invading Romania. We need to support the local integration, to have more suppliers settling in Romania.”