Bosch appoints Stefan Hartung as new CEO starting January 1, 2022

From January 1, 2022, management responsibility for Bosch will pass to a new generation: Franz Fehrenbach, the chairman of the supervisory board and of Robert Bosch Industrietreuhand KG is to retire, and will be succeeded by Stefan Asenkerschbaumer. Volkmar Denner is to hand over as chairman of the board of management to Stefan Hartung.
As scientific advisor to the Bosch Group, Denner will devote himself to the company’s research into quantum technology. Christian Fischer is to become deputy chairman of the board of management, and Markus Heyn is to assume the chairmanship of the Mobility Solutions business sector.
As new chief financial officer, Markus Forschner rounds out the newly created Bosch board of management, which has been further reduced to seven people.
“Bosch is confident that these new appointments put it in a good position to continue the company’s strong and meaningful development, as the founder Robert Bosch would have wanted,” a release shows.
The personnel changes at Robert Bosch Industrietreuhand KG and on the supervisory board and board of management of Robert Bosch GmbH take effect on January 1, 2022.