Alexandra Petculescu, Marquardt: “Women are able to bring a fresh perspective into the automotive industry”

“Quality is very important in the automotive industry. It can bring you a lot of challenges, but you can also learn a lot of things in the process. I started in Marquardt in 2006 and I’m still here. From quality I moved to operations and I will probably move to another position and location in the future.
Women are able to bring a fresh perspective into the automotive industry. They can enhance teamwork; they are accustomed to multitasking. I would say any organization should be happy to have women in leading positions because their abilities and capabilities are undeniable,” Alexandra Petculescu, Operations Director, Marquardt Schaltsysteme SCS said during Women Professionals in the Automotive Industry 2022 conference powered by Automotive Today.
“Marquardt is offering a lot of programs of internship and coaching to provide opportunities for younger generations and to help them find a career path.
When I am home, I am really at home and when I am at work, I really put all on my energy and my knowledge to bring benefit to the company. For me this is the key to success: to do our best and to be really present where we are.
Although there is always room for improvement, we should not blame ourselves for not being able to do more. We should be kind to ourselves and be grateful for what we have achieved. If we are surrounded by open-minded people, we have all to chances to succeed.
The pandemic has brought us a lot of challenges, but also a lot of opportunities. It’s now easier for women, for mothers to work from home, so the companies are offering the possibility of remote work. Also, women have the chance to try part-time jobs, or internship programs.
It’s extremely important to see women in higher positions or management positions, to encourage them to look for careers in the automotive industry.”
Full recording of the conference: