Alexandru Mitroi, Invest Romania: “We started recently to support companies which are relocating from Ukraine”

“At InvestRomania we are promoting Romania as a destination for new investors. The questions these investors are bringing to us are the same questions we hear from companies already present in the country. They are asking about labour force, incentives, and fiscal predictability.
Big projects in manufacturing are a bit delayed right now, considering the context in our region, but next year will be a recovery year compared to 2022. Still, we have many projects, large projects in evaluation. For some of them we have received a positive decision for Romania, in IT, in manufacturing, and in energy,” Alexandru Mitroi, Senior Adviser, Invest Romania said during Automotive R&D Power Breakfast organized by Automotive Today.
“We started recently to support companies which are relocating from Ukraine. There are a lot of engineering capabilities in Ukraine, they have a very good university system, a lot of R&D centres, so we are trying to convince European companies in Ukraine to relocate to Romania.
For R&D labour force is one of the most important aspects, even more important than the financing part.
We want to maintain the fiscal benefits for R&D and software engineers in the future. Regarding incentives, there are two state-aid measures. One is dealing with investments of over 1 million euro and the other is dealing with projects with over 100 employees. For R&D projects we recommend the second measure.
There is also the Resilience and Recovery facility. At the beginning of the year there was a call for microelectronics worth 500 million Euro. It was oversubscribed with 700 million Euro. There will be other calls for R&D projects this year.
We are talking with several companies which want to relocate their R&D business from Ukraine to Romania. On the manufacturing side, we are discussing with several European companies about projects related to EV batteries.”
Full recording of the conference: