Cristian Mihaly, Vitesco Technologies: “Romania needs a long-term vision regarding electric mobility”

“Data security is one of the great challenges of the automotive industry. 35% of cyber-attacks target the telematics area, and some try to steal your data when you make those over-the-air transfers. 4% of attacks are on the system, on the infrastructure. 90% of cyber-attacks are carried out from a long distance.
There is a defined standard for cyber security, and we consistently invest in this direction. To prevent cyber-attacks, you must invest in technology, you must invest in development to avoid unpleasant situations,” Cristian Mihaly, Country Head, Vitesco Technologies Romania said during Green Mobility Conference powered by Automotive Today and The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“Investments in green mobility projects take place over 2-3 years. We don’t have that magic wand to use. We already have many products that we deliver in the electrification area. There are over 5 million cars on the streets that contain products developed by Vitesco Technologies.
One of our challenges is to offer the best developed products in a short period of time. Product development times are getting shorter.
A Roland Berger study shows that Romania is in first place in Europe in fast charging, i.e. ultra-fast, ultra-modern stations. But we do not have an equally good infrastructure in terms of small and medium power stations.
From my point of view, Romania needs a long-term vision regarding electric mobility. Our company has a very clear mission: powering clean mobility. Any decision made within the company refers to that mission. We need to establish very clearly what we want for Romania by 2030, to have a clear mission, and the subsequent decisions should take that mission into account.”
Full recording of the conference HERE.