Dual Vocational School: Continental is accepting applications for the next school year

- The company offers over 120 internships to young people who want to learn a trade
- The offices in Carei, Sibiu and Timișoara (Tires and Automotive) are waiting for future students to shape the future of mobility
- Young people benefit from free board and lodging and a stipend provided by the company, in addition to that provided by the state
A new opportunity for students who want to learn a trade is emerging: enrollment in the Dual Vocational School, which begins today. Continental, a technology company, supports the dual education system since its re-establishment in 2012.
Continental is the initiator of the reintroduction of professional education in the education system. In the 12 years that have passed since then, more than 700 students have followed internships in the Continental headquarters in Carei, Timișoara, Brașov and Sibiu, and many of them have been employed in the company’s factories or engineering centers.
For the 2024-2025 school year, the company offers, nationwide, more than 120 places to young people who want to learn a job that not only gives them a future, but also shapes the future of mobility. Between July 1-5, the first stage of registration of candidates at the educational units that have an educational offer for dual professional education takes place, and the second stage of admission takes place between August 2-5, 2024.
“The development of the dual professional school is an important direction for Continental because it represents our desire to contribute to the creation of a system that produces specialists who capitalize on their acquired skills and generate added value to the entire economy. Through these professional development projects, we also want to prepare the best trained future professionals for our activities. We are reliable partners of educational institutions and ensure the development of an education model that brings only long-term benefits. Continental offers students a wide range of specializations that they can enroll in and benefit from the guidance of our mentors who guide them for three years until they become independent at work. At Carei, Sibiu and Timișoara, students will work in an industry with a strong presence in Romania”, says Dr. Christian von Albrichsfeld, Head of Country Continental Romania.
Students will carry out their practical modules (from 5 weeks in the 9th grade and up to 18 weeks in the 10th and 11th grades) within Continental, both in the research and development and production centers with state-of-the-art technology, as well as within the Technical Training Centers – laboratories dedicated to dual system qualification, specially designed for training the future workforce (operators and technicians). Also, all those who opt for the dual vocational school benefit from a monthly scholarship from the state, a scholarship from the company, merit scholarships based on results, free board, accommodation and/or transportation.
At the end of the 3 years of studies, the young people have the chance to work for the company as operator or technician, and later even to continue their studies and access, after completing the faculty, a job as an engineer. Practice for the future at Carei ContiTech Carei took the first steps in implementing the dual system in September 2012, in collaboration with “Simion Bărnuţiu” Technological High School, when a framework contract was signed for the education of 15 students.
Year after year, students were supported by mentors to learn the skills they need for a successful career in the automotive field. Young people who are currently in practice at ContiTech Carei learn in the Apprenticeship workshop what it means to be a locksmith and accumulate the necessary knowledge from specialists with extensive experience for this profile. For the 2024-2025 school year, the company wants to conclude a partnership for 12 new places.
From the 2023-2024 school year, ContiTech has started a new collaboration, this time with the Roman Catholic Theological High School “Ham Janos”. Six students are already doing their internship in the Smart Automation & Process Engineering department, for the specialization of electronic device and equipment technician.
Graduates of 2012 work at the Automotive and Tire offices in Timișoara Continental has been actively involved in Timișoara, since 2012, in the successful implementation of the dual vocational education model. The tire factory, the electronics factory and the engineering center have hosted, over time, hundreds of young people who wanted to learn a trade. From the very beginning, the Energetic Technological High School “King Ferdinand I” from Timișoara was the company’s partner.
This year, the two Continental offices in Timișoara have over 80 students who are being mentored on the qualifications of Electromechanic, Electrician for electrical devices and equipment and CNC Operator. For the next school year, the company requested a similar number of students to teach them to become tradesmen in the specializations Electrician for electrical and energy devices and equipment, Electromechanic for industrial machinery and installations, and Mechanic for hydraulic and pneumatic equipment.
The future tradesmen will have, in addition to the support and involvement brought by their mentors in learning the skills necessary for these trades and a monthly scholarship (of 600 lei) from the state and the company, a merit scholarship that is awarded according to the results schooling and involvement in practical activities, free food in company canteens, free accommodation and/or transport for students, as well as a Continental pre-employment contract offered immediately after the results are posted. As for internships, upon completion of the 3 years of theoretical (at high school) and practical (at the company) training, they have the chance to work as a technician or operator in the production area.
In addition, young people can continue their studies in the evening and then in college, completing higher education means new career possibilities, such as advancing to an engineering job.
Continental classes in Sibiu
With over 150 students currently studying in Continental classes, “Independenta” Technological High School, Energetic Technical College, “Avram Iancu” Technological High School and Continental Sibiu, the success story of dual education in Sibiu continues and announces the start of enrollment in the 3 new Continental dual vocational education classes.
The novelty of this year consists in the creation of a new class at the “Avram Iancu” Technological High School in Sibiu. For the 2024-2025 school year, Continental Sibiu proposes 68 new places in the 9th grades, in a dual system, of which 26 are available at the Energetic Technical College, specializing in Electronics, devices and equipment, 26 places at the “Independenza” Technological High School, the specialization Electromechanic machinery and industrial installations and 16 new places at the “Avram Iancu” Technological High School, the specialization Electromechanic machinery and industrial installations.
Students have the opportunity to practice (from 5 weeks in the 9th grade and between 10 and 18 weeks in the 10th and 11th grades), within the Continental headquarters in Sibiu, both in the production area with the latest technology hour, as well as in the Technical Training Center, consisting of 3 laboratories dedicated to dual system qualification, specially designed for the training of young people.
Upon completion of their studies, based on their performance and the available places in the company at the time, they have the chance to be employed as a technician or operator in the production area. Afterwards, they can continue their studies in the evening, and then in college, having the chance to graduate to an engineering position. Continental develops innovative technologies and services for the sustainable and interconnected mobility of people and their goods. The technology company founded in 1871 provides safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for cars, machinery, traffic and transportation.
Continental achieved a turnover of 41.4 billion euros in 2023 and currently has approximately 200,000 employees in 56 countries and markets. Between 1999 and 2023, Continental invested over 2.3 billion euros in its activities in Romania. All three fields of activity of the company are represented in Romania. Continental owns five production units and four engineering centers in Timisoara, Sibiu, Carei and Iasi. The company has a tire distribution center in Bucharest.
At the end of 2023, Continental had over 20,300 employees, of which over a third represented engineers and computer scientists, and will continue to hire depending on future projects.