INTERVIEW Marian Bolboe, Fuerda Smartech Romania: “Let the market decide on electrification, don’t fight the market”

“Beyond the regulations in green processes, our company believes that reducing carbon emissions in production and throughout the supply chain is also a moral duty towards future generations. Fuerda Smartech has additionally invested over 600,000 euros in installations for capturing and annihilating emissions from processes, ensuring “green” performances superior to the current regulations. We are therefore ready for the next level of “green” performance,” Marian Bolboe, Plant Manager, Fuerda Smartech Romania told Automotive Today.
“In my opinion, in the next two years we will witness a change of approach regarding electrification in the automotive industry. Automotive companies have started huge efforts to switch from combustion propulsion to electric propulsion, efforts not yet noticeable in other industries.
The Automotive Industry has always been a pioneer in innovation, creating trends and fair regulations on the market. However, currently, the imbalances in the assumption of sustainability targets between industries are negatively affecting the Automotive industry, which I believe is indirectly trying to create a desire for electrification in a market that is still unprepared and not covered by the necessary infrastructure.”
What were the key achievements for your company in 2024?
For Fuerda Smartech Romania, the year 2024 was characterized by the word START.
– Start of activity in a new factory (13.000 sqm)
– Start of validation and of painting production, with the installation of one of the most modern and environmentally friendly painting lines
– Start of delivery for customers such as Mercedes, Magna, HC18,
– Starting the process of training and developing a new generation of managers. Even though we are at the beginning of the journey, we believe that investing in people, in increasing the know-how and soft skills of employees, is a permanent priority of the company.
What were the biggest challenges your company faced in 2024, and how did you address them? How have these experiences prepared you for the future?
Last year’s biggest challenges (that we estimate will carry on to this year, as well) come from outside the company, from the political and social environment. The 2024 election year in both Europe and the United States of America and the often-uninspired messages of the candidates and then of some elected officials have created confusion in the markets and led companies to slow down their activity, as if waiting to see the directions adopted following the election result.
Multinational companies, where the feeling of multicultural, religious and ethnic acceptance is promoted and lived, are directly hit by extremist discourses launched by influential factors in the media. Multiple messages against market economy and promises of populist regulation of economic activities fear of developing businesses in the respective areas. Fear is the first step towards an economic crisis, the results are already visible, and the global economic crisis is already manifesting itself.
These uncertainties, generating additional financial efforts on the part of companies, also come with the rearrangement of strategies on the pillars of operational agility. Companies are accelerating their efforts to eliminate waste down to the smallest details of operations, becoming more efficient even in harsh conditions; and this is a good thing.
What are your top priorities and objectives for 2025? How do these goals support your company’s long-term vision?
Fuerda Smartech’s objectives for 2025 are divided into 3 large groups:
- Objectives regarding operational performance, profit being a key component of the business and the reason for the business’s existence.
- Business development objectives based on the trust invested by the client and in full agreement with the existing authority regulations (even if – as I said – they are sometimes uninspired and populist)
- Local development of know-how related to the design and development of ventilation and ambient lighting systems for vehicles. In this regard, we are relocating part of the group’s positions from R&D Germany to Romania in order to be closer to production and react more easily and quickly to any challenges coming from the customer or from production.
What specific initiatives are planned to advance sustainability in 2025?
Beyond the regulations in green processes, our company believes that reducing carbon emissions in production and throughout the supply chain is also a moral duty towards future generations. Since from Words to Actions only Assumption is needed, Fuerda Smartech has additionally invested over 600,000 euros in installations for capturing and annihilating emissions from processes, ensuring “green” performances superior to the current regulations. We are therefore ready for the next level of “green” performance.
Are there any planned investments in R&D, facilities, or partnerships in 2025?
As mentioned, investment in the research and development area is based on the strategy of locating these processes “in GEMBA”, that is, directly in production.
In 2025, we will have six new colleagues joining our team, who will work in this area. In this respect, I must acknowledge the role of Transylvania University, which previously prepared these colleagues for a smooth and correct entry into the labor market.
Transylvania University of Brasov is one of the most trusted collaborators of companies in the Brasov area and beyond.
What challenges do you foresee for the automotive industry in 2025 (e.g., supply chain, raw material costs, or regulatory changes)? How is your company preparing to address these challenges?
2025 will certainly bring complex legislative changes, both in local legislation, but especially new regulations at national and European community level. These will decisively influence all other aspects of business: supply chain, raw materials, energy, labor market, etc. Fuerda is constantly adapting its business priorities, anticipating these changes. We have clearly defined short, medium and long term (up to 25 years) business directions.
With the rapid changes in the automotive industry, what challenges are you facing in attracting and retaining talent?
Talent attraction and retention is a hotly debated topic because demand seems to be out of sync with supply; not in terms of demand and supply of actual jobs, but of demand and supply of “Incentive Packages” for current and future employees.
We at Fuerda Smartech know that it is not enough to just provide the correct financial framework, but one must also ensure a safe working environment (both physically and mentally), a healthy framework for professional and personal development for employees and career growth opportunities. We also know the importance of treating one’s employees correctly and with respect, because they are the most valuable resource in the company. All development programs planned for this year are based on these considerations.
How does 2025 fit into your company’s 5- or 10-year strategic vision?
The medium-term strategy aims to achieve a 20% market share. This goal is not only based on a competitive price, but especially on the quality of our products and a rapid reaction to customer requests, positioning ourselves as a reliable partner for the European Automotive Industry.
Are there any major shifts you anticipate in the automotive industry that could shape your strategy?
In my opinion, in the next two years we will witness a change of approach regarding electrification in the automotive industry. Out of a correct and necessary desire to comply with the Paris Agreement, Automotive companies have started huge efforts to switch from combustion propulsion to electric propulsion, efforts not yet noticeable in other industries.
The Automotive Industry has always been a pioneer in innovation, creating trends and fair regulations on the market. However, currently, the imbalances in the assumption of sustainability targets between industries are negatively affecting the Automotive industry, which I believe is indirectly trying to create a desire for electrification in a market that is still unprepared and not covered by the necessary electrical infrastructure.
The correct business rules are simple: let the market decide, don’t fight the market.
Certainly, efforts to reduce emissions will continue, but I feel that the electrification goals initially assumed will take on other meanings and a different temporal dimension.
Fuerda Smartech is not directly dependent on combustion propulsion or electric propulsion (our portfolio being made up of ventilation systems and ambient lighting), but clearly the decarbonization efforts will continue, since we are an integral part of the Automotive Industry and reliable partners for customers. Efforts will remain common in this area.
What advice or insights would you share with other companies navigating the evolving automotive landscape?
In these extremely uncertain times, with high risks and volatile opportunities, the success of a business can only be ensured by increasing the speed of reaction to internal and especially external factors. Therefore:
Pay attention to the market!
Pay attention to the political environment!
Most of all, pay extreme attention to any waste (however small) in processes! The resources saved by reducing waste will be a key factor in survival and operational performance.